Finding Credible information on Social Media sites can be a daunting task. Our evaluation checklist on our the 'getting started' tab is still relevant when evaluating whether to use information from a social media site. Below are some further tips and guidelines on evaluating social media content.
Source: John Hopkins Sheridan libraries (2020) Evaluating social media: evaluating information. Available at: (Accessed: 10 November 2020)
Some Social Media posts are posted by Bots. Do not use a source if you are not sure if the post is from an actual person or a Bot.
For more information check out the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab - DRFLab.
Image Source <a href="">Business vector created by upklyak -</a>
Examples of the different types of Social Media sites include:
mage Source <a href="">Background vector created by iuriimotov -</a>
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