ChEBIChemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) is a freely available dictionary of molecular entities focused on ‘small’ chemical compounds.
Mechanism InspectorThis site provides students of chemistry the opportunity to test themselves on their understanding by answering questions not only on the mechanisms themselves but on the underlying chemistry.
PubChemChemistry search engine provided by U.S. National Library of Medicine
RSC - Practical ChemistryPart of the RSC website with links to a collection of over 200 practical activities that demonstrate a wide range of chemical concepts and processes.
Science.govU.S. gateway site to search all the science resources , including over 60 databases and over 2,200 scientific websites with access to more than 200 million pages of authoritative federal science information including research and development results.
ScienceOpenScience open is a freely accessible research network to discover and evaluate scientific information with over 27 million articles and article records.