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Google for Research

Google Scholar - a starting point when searching for academic or scholarly literature

Google Scholar Search

Google Scholar - Accessing Full-Text

Full-Text @ SETU Libraries Waterford:

Select Settings on Google Scholar homepage.

Click on Library Links and then type in South East Technological University - SETU Waterford Collection. Click search button. Tick box beside South East Technological University - SETU Waterford Collection and then click Save.

Then if an article is available full-text through SETU Libraries Waterford, you will see SETU Waterford Collection beside the article. Click on this link and enter your SETU username and password.

The full-text of the article will only be made available if

a) SETU Libraries Waterford has a database subscription that covers full-text access to the article in question

b) or it is freely available on the web.

Review Articles

Limit to Review Articles under Any Type on the search results page. This will limit results to literature review articles or articles that discuss the searched for topic or author.

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