Anna Branach-Kallas is a full professor at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland. Her research interests include postcolonial literatures in English and French, the representation of trauma and war, health humanities and memory studies. She has published several books, including, most recently, Decolonizing the Memory of the First World War: The Poetics and Politics of Centenary Interventions (Routledge 2024). Her earlier monograph in Polish, Uraz przetrwania [The Trauma of Survival: The (De)Construction of the Myth of the Great War in the Canadian Novel] (NCU Press, 2014), was awarded a Pierre Savard Award by the International Council for Canadian Studies. She is also the author of over 90 chapters and research articles, published in such journals as Memory Studies, The Journal of War and Culture Studies, The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies, Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies, Orbis Litterarum, Canadian Literature, Second Texts and Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature. She is currently Head of the Doctoral School of the Humanities, Theology and Arts at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and President Elect of the International Council for Canadian Studies.