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DOIs should begin with the prefix
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Note: In-text citations: For works with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author and the abbreviation “et al.” in every in-text citation, even the first time a citation appears.
In-Text Citation (Paraphrase)
(Roberts et al., 2009)
In-Text Citation (Quotation)
(Roberts et al., 2009, p. 1320)
Reference List
Roberts, B. W., Lejuez, C., Krueger, R. F., Richards, J. M., & Hill, P. L. (2009). What is conscientiousness and how can it be assessed? Developmental Psychology, 50(5), 1315-1330.
Author Surname, Initial(s)., Author Surname, Initial(s)., & Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year). Article title: Subtitle. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), page numbers (without page abbreviations).