To create a group you can choose Group > Create Group from the top menu...
or right click on My Groups on the left hand side and select Create Group
Group Sets
You may end up with hundreds if not thousands of references in your EndNote Library. You can easily search your references and PDFs using the Simple or Advanced Search tool at the top of the EndNote library.
The references moved to the Trash folder can be restored to your EndNote library
The EndNote Library has a few options for customisation, here are some:
Preview the Reference
On the very bottom right hand side click the little up button to preview the reference as it would appear in your document
Change the Reference Style
From the dropdown menu you can change the referencing style and to view more styles choose Select Another Style which will open up the Style Manager box where you can view all 500 immediately available styles. More information on Referencing/ Ouput Styles.
Quick Editing the reference
Anytime you create a new reference and especially if you bring references in from databases it is recommended that you check how they look in the Summary / Reference preview pane. If something needs to be changed then you can do this using the Edit tab remembering to choose Save to apply the changes.
Changing the panel size
The size of the panels can be changed by using the mouse to drag the sides to make them bigger/smaller. The summary panel on the right can be closed and reopened anytime by double clicking on a reference. The left hand panel cannot be closed.